Top 10k strings from Black Crystal (1982)(Carnell Software)(Part 3 of 6).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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  13 ;"ZENOBI";
  12 A$="ZENOBI"
   6 Q;"What now?"
   4 A$="MOVE NORTH"
   3 Q;"What Now?"
   3 A$="MOVE WEST"
   3 A$="MOVE SOUTH"
   3 A$="MOVE EAST"
   2 ;" WHAT NOW? "
   2 "That will do you no good."
   2  ** RINGS:
   2  ** PURITY 
   1 haggoth guards."
   1 T$="wizard"
   1 T$="witch"
   1 T$="human"
   1 S$="Hides"
   1 R;"What Now?"
   1 Q;" purveyor to the trade "
   1 Q;" What now? "
   1 Q;" Press ENTER."
   1 Q;"  of moans and groans  "
   1 Q;"  Here lie the bones   "
   1 Q;"   of Samuel Jones
   1 O;T$;" here. I will deal with"
   1 O;S$;" myself."
   1 O;"wishes to exchange gold for life"
   1 O;"thought I told you to kill ";S$;"?"
   1 O;"that amount."
   1 O;"killed ";S$;" myself. I dont want  to see ";S$;". Take ";S$;" outside andwaste ";S$;"."
   1 O;"be alive. Boil ";S$;" in oil, then chop ";S$;" up and feed ";S$;" to my  pet dragon."
   1 O;"and off with ";S$;" head
   1 O;"ZENOBI";
   1 O;"You will have to climb  down the rope."
   1 O;"You must swing across tothe tunnel."
   1 O;"You must move."
   1 O;"You must move the stone to carry on your journey."
   1 O;"You must move closer to the drawbridge."
   1 O;"You must give a coin or turn back."
   1 O;"You must distract the   guards."
   1 O;"There is nothing in herefor you. I suggest you climb outagain."
   1 O;"The prison door is not  locked."
   1 O;"The Treasure Serpents   are attracted to gold."
   1 O;"Do it properly this time."
   1 O;": how much does ";M$;" offer me?"
   1 O;": Your wandering around   like a duck suffering from a    hernia. Cant you see I want to  help you."
   1 O;": Why not open the
   1 O;": What are you doing at   the top of that rope?"
   1 O;": What ";S$;" again? ";M$;" cant"
   1 O;": We have a prisoner. ";M$
   1 O;": Very generous. Now go I   want to count my gold."
   1 O;": Then take what ";M$;" has"
   1 O;": The ";T$;" again? But I"
   1 O;": That was useless. If youneed my help I am here."
   1 O;": That king is really meanonly keeping a skeleton staff onsuch a busy bridge."
   1 O;": Thank you for releasing me. King Shaggoth has held me   prisoner for one hundred years. Whats more he charged me rent onthe bottle.I am up to my pointedears in debt. I am the oracle   Zenobi. Help you I can. Just usemy name when you need my help."
   1 O;": Stop dithering and pay  the guy."
   1 O;": Still alive? Bring the"
   1 O;": Sire he has nothing to   offer."
   1 O;": Sire ";M$; " does not own "
   1 O;": Off with ";S$;" head!"
   1 O;": Not that ";T$;" again. I"
   1 O;": Not in a hundred years  have I met anyone as empty
   1 O;": Isnt this pathetic? You must be a right moron."
   1 O;": I suggest we go back andfind some gold. You have none   left."
   1 O;": I have brought you here tothis place of Sanctuary where   you can see imbedded in solid   rock, the Orb of Cassandra. It  will reveal to you, for a momentonly, the layout of the
   1 O;": I give to you five gold   coins. Use them wisely. Now it  is time for the quest to
   1 O;": I dont want to know. Take ";S$;" out and make meat pies out  of ";S$;"."
   1 O;": I dont know why I run   about with you. I always did    have a soft spot for the under- dog."
   1 O;": Hey gorgeous! Call my   name when you need me."
   1 O;": Hey bone head! Need my  help? Just call my name."
   1 N$;". Write down this
   1 I;"  YE TREASURE ROOM.  "
   1 C;" of the surrounding caves ";S$
   1 A$="OPEN IT"
   1 A$="OPEN DOOR"
   1 A$="OPEN CHEST"
   1 A$="MOVE UP" 
   1 A$="MOVE DOWN"
   1 A$="MOVE CHEST"
   1 A$="LIFT CHEST"
   1 A$="GO UP"
   1 A$="CLIMB UP"
   1 A$="CLIMB OUT"
   1 A$="CLIMB DOWN"
   1 ;"where the steps always stop."
   1 ;"ZENOBI";  
   1 ;"You are back at Sanctuary."
   1 ;"Wizard."
   1 ;"Warrior."
   1 ;"This is the point";
   1 ;"This is the bottom";
   1 ;"The drawbridge is lowered. When you reach the other side the    keeper raises it again."
   1 ;"That was the top";
   1 ;"Sorceress."
   1 ;"Please enter your map reference number: 
   1 ;"Are you using a black and white television? Answer Y or N."
   1 ;": Help you I can."
   1 ;" Type in number of gold coins.  "
   1 )="DESCEND"
   1 "it to help you cross the fast   flowing river. At your feet
   1 "gold coins."
   1 "gold coin."
   1 "Your map referance number is: "
   1 "You see a small clay bottle.    ";
   1 "You see a notice on the draw-   bridge. By order of King"
   1 "You see a gold coin lying in    the cave. you now have ";FR-2
   1 "You see a Shaggoth in the cave  in front of you."
   1 "You hear moans and groanscoming from the chest. ";
   1 "You have found a giant treasure chest. ";
   1 "You have come to the end of yourrope. Everything is in darkness except for a tunnel to the
   1 "You have climbed out of the
   1 "You have bumped into a wall."
   1 "You have been grabbed by the    Shaggoths."
   1 "You find yourself in a large    cavern. To the south lies a
   1 "You are near the Shaggoths
   1 "You are in the kings throne
   1 "You are in the Shaggoths dungeon";
   1 "You are in a bare room. On the  Wall in front of you is a sign. It reads:"
   1 "You are back in the labryrinth. The stone door closes behind you"
   1 "Well done. You managed to swing into the tunnel. There is no wayback. Your destiny lies ahead."
   1 "Try again."
   1 "To continue your adventure find and load map 4."
   1 "They take you to their king."
   1 "There is no obvious  escape
   1 "There are no Shaggoths about."
   1 "The treasure chest is empty."
   1 "The giant serpent is attracted  to the coin. It slithers towardsyou and crushes you."
   1 "The door swings open. ";
   1 "The chest is heavy you cannot   move it."
   1 "The chest is bottomless and you see steps leading down to a
   1 "The bottle begins to shake and  glow. It shatters and out pops astrange little creature. It
   1 "The Treasure Serpent is"
   1 "The Shaggoths take all your goldbut do not set you free. You    starve to death in the dungeon."
   1 "The Shaggoth guards hurry after the gold leaving you free to    move."
   1 "That will do you no good. Try   again."
   1 "That will do no good."
   1 "Shaggoth: all who pass must pay one gold coin. A skeletons hand reaches out for payment."
   1 "Shaggoth guards capture you and throw you back in prison."
   1 "No good you are still in prison."
   1 "In the treasure chest you find  two gold coins. You now have ";FR;"  gold coins."
   1 "In the chest you find a skeletonand a plaque with the following message inscribed on it:":
   1 "Get it yourself."
   1 "Death has claimed you. Your
   1 "Attracted to the coin giving youa chance to escape."
   1 "Arrrggh**** You let go the rope and fell a thousand feet to yourdeath."
   1 "Against the wall lies a stone   slab. Inscribed on it:"
   1 "A trap door opens up and you areimpaled on a row of metal spikes"
   1 "A solid wall lies in front of   you."
   1 "A giant Treasure Serpent has youtrapped. How are you going to   get out of this one?"
   1 "A disembodied head leers up at  you. Its flesh on contact with  the air turns green and peels   away from the skull. The skull  crumbles into a white powder    which reacts with the air to    form a cloud of foul smelling   gas
   1 "**OUCH** You hit the wall."
   1 "    The red (dark) areas are
   1  unpure soul is lost forever in  the dark lands."
   1  treasure chest?"
   1  stands a lever draped in
   1  south. It is bathed in a phosph-orescent glow. ";
   1  route from this cave. A rope    hangs from the roof down into a pit. ";
   1  room. A hasty retreat is called for."
   1  number, you will need it."
   1  labryrinth.";
   1  headed as you."
   1  dungeon. If you are quiet you   might be able to sneak past."
   1  drawbridge. It is held up by    well oiled chains. You will need"
   1  continue."
   1  cobwebs. ";
   1  chest. ";
   1  TRY AGAIN.
   1  Shaggoth strongholds."